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Clement W. Meighan
Archaeology & Anthropological Ethics

Clement Meighan

Clement W. Meighan (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) was Chairman of the American Committee for the Preservation of Archaeological Collections, which seeks to preserve archaeological collections in the public interest. He argues that our "informants" are the people who left the remains, who deserve their page in human history.

Professor Meighan began his career as a professional archaeologist in 1951. In 1952, he became a professor at University of California, Los Angeles. Throughout his 40+ year tenure at UCLA, Professor Meighan accomplished a significant number of achievements, including founding and directing the Rock Art Archive and the Archaeological Survey at UCLA; and serving on numerous advisory boards and associations, including the Society for American Archaeology's Professional Standards and Ethics committee.

Professor Meighan conducted field research throughout the world, authoring more than 240 publications on archaeological sites; ecological analysis; obsidian dating; rock art; field and laboratory methods; contract archaeology; and ethics.